Tuesday, June 9, 2009

New iPhone App from KJ Sawka

If you've spent any time on YouTube, you probably have seen the amazing videos of drummer KJ Sawka playing live drum n' bass on a combination of acoustic and electronic drums. If you haven't go check it out now.

Cool, huh? Now, Mr. Sawka joins the ever-growing ranks of bands and musicians releasing their own apps for the iPhone called DrumBanger. Sounds really dirty, huh? Here's what he has to say about it:

"KJ Sawka has announced the worldwide release of DrumBanger, a simulation of his half-electronic drum set that gives fans a way to remix and sequence Sawka's music from their iPhones and iPod Touches. Loaded with cd-quality samples of KJ Sawka's live drums and massive synth sounds, DrumBanger puts the user behind the drums to deconstruct and then reassemble the music into a new creation. DrumBanger represents a new way to consume and enjoy music: not just by listening to it, but by simultaneously teaming up with the artist to create it.

Buy it on: DrumBanger

1 comment:

hazardous said...

i bought both kj sawka albums and loved both of them!
only complaint is that half the tracks are vocal tracks on each album, and i hate vocal tracks on my techno :)