Wednesday, September 8, 2010

New iPhone App Turns Human Beatboxing into MIDI

Via mikegao85 on YouTube:

In case you missed it over on Synthtopia. How bad-ass is this? Vocal Beater is an iPhone app that lets you "beatbox" a rhythm with your mouth, which it then turns it into a MIDI file you can load in to your sequencer of choice. Anyone used it yet? I can definitely see the next stage of this allowing you to turn your singing into an e-mail-able MIDI file in case you get a melody idea when you're out and about.



cl516 said...

my goodness... i neeeeed this. but i don't think my super old iPhone can handle the new iOS. any audiounits do something similar?

Tom said...

If you've got Logic, you might be able to achieve similar results, albeit in a more roundabout way, by using the drum replacer...