So as I've probably mentioned a couple times, Waveformless has really been seeing a lot of growth since I first started doing it... especially in the past year. The blog is still small potatoes compared to most others, but I've been really thankful for all the interest and support that's been built up around it. (And this is a good opportunity to say thank you again to all my readers, new and old alike...)
Well, apparently we've reached the point where someone feels the blog is well-known enough to create site re-directs for slight misspellings of my URL. I'm not going to link to the actual site, since it doesn't deserve the traffic, but click the picture to enlarge it and see what one of those re-directs is to. I'm not sure why you'd choose to re-direct a misspelling of Waveformless to a nutty religious site, but I can only come to the conclusion that it's because all my readers are filthy, filthy sinners. I hope there's MIDI in hell.
Well, everyone knows "Waveformless" is Satanist-code for "ANTICHRIST"....
Everyone on this has spent time in MIDI Hell I am sure.
Tom, you are mistaken: We are all filthy filthy Synthers!
We are religiously nutty for your music brah!
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