The Depeche Mode fan community is buzzing over some 30 second clips purported to be from the band's very first demo tape. The clips, "Photographic", "Ice Machine", and the unreleased "Radio News" are said to come from a demo tape that sold on eBay recently for an outrageous amount. Vince Clarke has twice insisted that the tape is a fake via Twitter, but the webmaster of DM Fansite Home said that once the source of the tape is revealed, it'll be clear that they're legit. I'll say this, if they are fake (the vocals don't sound right to me), whoever made them really did their homework. The production and synth sounds are pretty authentic sounding, and two of the tracks even contain bass guitar, which was a part of the band when they were known as Composition of Sound. What do you think?
What´s the buzz around those tracks? We already know about Ice machine and photographic. Radio news is a "forgotten track" for most of the people that were not around in the clubs before they were signed.
aren´t there someone who´s wondering about the good sound quality?!? It´s a fake for sure!
the tape is real - 100% real.
Something about the uniformity of the sound quality makes these a bit suspect. The vocals, admittedly, almost sound like Dave. If it is a fake, it's a damn good one, but why bother?
Word Verification: CONYIN!
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