When Trent Reznor announced he was putting Nine Inch Nails on hiatus, many people wondered what he'd do next. It looks like we'll have an answer to that question this summer when he releases the debut from his new project How to Destroy Angels (presumably a tip of the hat to the Coil song of the same name), apparently a collaboration with his wife. You can check out a video teaser here, which definitely has Reznor's sound to it...
Well, I'm quite interested. Thanks for the link, Tom! I hope the tour is continuing to go well.
Will NIN fans resent or embrace this one?
sounds just like NIN- why bother with a new name???
was that a ms20? and what was that ribbon thing?
I am a NIN fan, and it looks like I'll embrace this. It sounds great so far.
That does appear to be an MS20, though it could be an MS10. No idea about the ribbon.
I think the ribbon synth is one of these http://www.dewanatron.com/instruments.php?page=swarmatron
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