It looks as if the end of an era is upon us, as UPI reports that Sony will stop manufacturing floppy disks as of March 2011. While this will have little effect on most of us, it is worth keeping in mind if you're a fan of vintage samplers and synths (such as the Ensoniq SQ-80) that use this medium for sound and sequence storage. Time to stock up!
Anyone know if my Casio FZ-10M takes normal high density floppies?
-Tom N
Time to invent that floppy to USB converter :)
I love Sony as much as the next guy, but there are other manufacturers of floppy disks you know...
True, Alan, but Sony is the biggest company still making them...
OKAY so this is funny. I have like boxes of these in stock at my store. We still use the old POS on DOS matrix computers. The irony is that I didn't even know that these were being made at all anymore. We haven't had need to order them... It is kind of sad I guess. If I look bet I can find an old Commodore floppy in my media room...those were the size of a book lol!
Futurist: soon you can jack the price up on that "vintage" media ;)
Here, here @ the floppy to USB converter idea...I can't believe those haven't been made yet. I actually went to the computer store looking for one a couple of years ago... they were like "Huh? Sorry..."
But afterward I figured it would have to be something initiated by synth manufacturers since it's mainly their hardware that would use something like that.
Time to petition...
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