"Thorns (unatended version)
This is my original version. Parameters are well outside of boundries in this mod, the sound is wild and wonderful as the seeds grown from it. There is a problem with this version. Since the parameters are outside recomended boundries there is problems saving and loading such patches.
Thorns (Magnus corrected version)
This version is more reliable with Magnus recommended adjustments. This gives a more random sound, but it has the standard pitch range as in Synplant's default configuration. Load and save works.
Thorns (Wildgrown version)
Same as above, but with wider pitch range. This is something Magnus don't recommend since the pitch should be kept in sync with the internal default values. If you don't care and want some more fun then this is your choice. Load and save works.
Credits goes out to Magnus Lindstrom for this amazing synth called Synplant."
You can download the mods yourself here.
Thank you for the post, pretty helpful info.
Does anyone have this file & can re upload? I cannot find it anywhere else and the host site is down. Thank you
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