Friday, July 20, 2012

Introducing the Spacehardware Cygnx Wavetable Synth


All aluminium contruction.

Front panel LED matrix Oscilloscope showing the pre-filter sound.

Two digital oscillators:
12 sweepable wavetables with smooth and stepped modes and sweep direction.
24 single cycle waveforms which can be mixed using Add, Xor, Split, Phase Distortion or FM.
And an additional PWM mode.

Waveshaping options - Layer, Sync, Fold, Shape, Phase Distortion 1, Phase Distortion 2, Phase Distortion 3

Two analogue filters - 
Filter 1: 12dB/Oct LPF/BPF with overdrive
Filter 2: 24dB/Oct LPF/Notch with variable notch mode

Three LFOs and two analogue ADSRs

120 step programmable sequencer, records note value and velocity.

Midi In and Thru. "

Pricing and availability TBA.  More info here..


1 comment:

fractured said...

That sounds great! Please keep us up to date on this... once you've rested from your extended stay in Europe.