Thursday, April 5, 2012

Hard Dance Music Made by a 13-year old and 15-year old?

This French brother and sister duo is making some waves with their rave-infused hard dance music.  What's especially remarkable is how young they are.  Color me a bit skeptical, but it's an interesting listen regardless.

[via carbonairways on YouTube]


Jeff knapp said...

Not bad at all. I am guessing that they got some help from mom or dad otherwise, I can believe it is them.

belial216 said...

I agree with Jeff. We don't know who these kids grew up around, so it's entire possible.

Joel R. Bisson said...

on the contrary i was born in 1981 and made ebm since 1985 onwards, i wish i still had the tapes, i know how to program and sequence at a young age without help of mom or dad....which lead me here, 25 years later with the same knowledge put to use, it is not hard these days to make music like the 1980's or 90's because you could just download software from the internet and start right away where as in the 1980's you'd have to buy 10,000 $ machines and mixing consoles or at least rent gear is what they did back then, a emulator back than was the price of a car and now with technology software has made advances in all aspects, which leads me to my point, anyone can do this with cubase logic and VST plugins and soundbanks which are made available online and since a four year could make music (thats me) i think these older kids could have made this, 99% of music is based on sequences which are so easy to make and timing is no problem, i wouldn't doubt that they made it without help, except the video is professional so they obviously got help there

Dance Midi Samples said...

wow these are amazing, I wonder where they learned how do make music like is. I have been studying music producing for ages. I would say these guys have great natural talent.