The upgrade is free to existing Recycle 2 users, or for $249 new (really, Propllerheads? Don't you think it's time for a price drop on a piece of software that has been around since 1994?!)
Freeform discussion of electronic music and the techniques and gear used in making it
If only Izotope would update pHATmatik PRO
Perhaps that pricing structure is what's helped keep the software going for the last 20 years? (Just a thought.)
Maybe. But I think what's kept it going so long is that I believe (and I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm mistaken) it's the only software legally allowed to create REX2 files. So they've kind of monopolized the market. I'm sure it's good business for them, just seems a bit disrespectful to customers. And speaking personally, although I use and really like Recycle, it's not worth $250.
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