Someone shared
this article with me on Facebook, and I thought you all might enjoy reading it. Steffan Goldman reflects on the democratization of music-making, why it's not necessarily a good thing, and how artists (a handful, at least) can rise above it all. I'd love to hear what you all think about it.
Such a brilliant article. Spreading the word about it through the interwebs as we speak, er...write...
Excellent article...
This is precisely what goes through my head all the time I think about starting something. Trying to get a ball rolling on almost no budget and 100 miles away from anywhere...it really is daunting, especially these days.
Not to mention the fact that I'm not exactly a musical genius...ha
But I totally agree with producing in spite of things being the way they are...severing the mental tie between income and music is something a good majority of artists should do...
Thanks for the post, really effective info.
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