A sharp reader in this post over on KVR noticed that the musik-service.de website has a listing for Native Instruments Komplete 7, which lists a release date as September.
Sadly, it reveals pretty much what I had suspected of Native Instruments. They're done trying to make innovative and interesting products and are mainly interested in selling presets to people who don't like making their own sounds. Not much new is present in terms of new instruments, instead we get a couple point revisions of existing instruments and all of the Kore sound packs for the preset enthusiasts. Sad, but not surprising I guess. There's probably a lot more money to be made on presets than there is on new and innovative instruments people actually have to learn to use. Here (in German) is the write up from the musik-service site:
"Zusätzlich Neu in KOMPLETE 7:
. The Finger, Reaktor Prism, Scarbee MM Bass,
Scarbee MK1, Scarbee Clavinet, Scarbee A-200,
Berlin Concert Grand, New York Concert Grand,
Upright Piano, Vienna Concert Grand, Abbey Road
60s Drums, Vintage Organs, Reflektor,
Rammfire - Amp Simulation, Traktor's Twelve
und Akoustik Refractions
. Über 10.000 Presets aller musikalischen Stile
. Fast 100 GB an Sample Material
. 50,- ? Native Instruments Gutschein
. Unendliche Möglichkeiten zur Kreation neuer Klänge
KOMPLETE 7 enthält neben den bisherigen 7 Instrumenten (Reaktor - neue Version 5.5, Kontakt - neue Version 4.1, Guitar Rig 4, Battery 3, Absynth 5, Massive und FM8) zusätzlich 16 der bisher nur online erhältlichen Produkte, was einem Zuwachs der Library um 66% gegenüber Komplete 6 entspricht. Mit fast 100 GB und über 10.000 Sounds ist dies das bisher umfangreichste Komplete! Zum Lieferumfang gehört außerdem noch ein 50,- Euro Gutschein, den man beim Kauf weiterer NI-Online-Produkte einlösen kann.
Die 16 neuen Produkte von Komplete 7 bieten von akustischen und elektrischen Pianos über Vintage Hammonds, E-Gitarren, E-Bässe und 60er Drums bis zu DJ-Effekten und experimentellen Klängen alles, was man als Komponist, Produzent und Musiker braucht."
This comes at the time when I’m rethinking my plan, as in; WTF am I doing? I, and I know I’m not alone, spend way too much time collecting and managing gear and software and not enough time making something with it.
This is relevant because I still have Komplete 6 sitting in a box (didn’t know it was Intel only), and I’ve barely started using anything from Komplete 5.
I’ve had Reaktor since ver.2 came out, and while I’ve used it quite a bit, I’ve never jumped in all the way and made the most of it. Repeat that statement for every other bit of software I own.
I have more gear than I could ever use, it would take years just to listen to all my samples, and I’m not getting any more done. I made as much music when I had a guitar, a Fostex 4 track cassette, a 58 and a DR 110. No presets.
Wow - apart from the guitar comment, this is also my situation exactly, bb
Damn NI for sounding so good ...lol
BB - I hear you. I try to do a "house-cleaning" once a year where U go through my plug-ins and evaluate what is really useful to me, and what is providing just another distraction when it comes to productivity time. I realize I've got hardware I should purge too, but that's much harder for me to separate from. Don't know why, but there's definitely a more sentimental feeling to hardware that makes it really tough for me to separate from even if I haven't used it in ages.
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