My band was playing a show somewhere in Germany. I forget precisely where it was, but it may have been Berlin. For this particular tour, my keyboard player, Paul, brought along a Waldorf Microwave XTk to play onstage. We were in the middle of a song when I suddenly noticed Paul's keys just dropped out of the mix entirely. I look over to see him bent over peering at the display... never a good sign. Out of nowhere Paul starts laughing and motions me over. I don't remember the precise wording of the error message, but it was something like 'CATASTROPHE! TOTAL FAILURE!' We both agreed that the Germans certainly had a way of capturing the feeling of having one of your instruments take a dump in the middle of a show.
Have you ever experienced one of these moments in the studio or on stage? Are there other synths with amusing/quirky error messages that you've seen?
If memory serves me well, it was "Catastrophic Failure", which I think would make a great title for an A23 Remix cd.
I can't remember what piece of gear it was that I used to have but it didn't have an LCD or alpha/numeric LEDs. When the unit crashed, the front panel LEDs would flash an SOS in morse code pattern.
they should just put "yer screwed" as the error message
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