A good example of this is drum programming. Some people out there prefer to program drums the old-fashioned way using step/grid programming. I've always found this a bit restrictive, though, and find I get much better results from simply playing out the rhythms manually using my drum pads or a synth keyboard. This method can present a problem of its own, however. If you've programmed the entire beat all in one pass, you can't solo the individual drum sounds so they can each be quantized, recorded and processed separately (compression, EQ). Yes, you could play in one part at a time, but I find that playing the snare and kick in the same pass at the very least leads to much more natural sounding results, especially with fills. Luckily, Logic has a feature that solves this problem. Select the MIDI region that has your beat in it and select Region > Split/Demix > Demix by Note Pitch, and Logic will put each drum sound on its own track, thus allowing you to record and process each sound individually. By the way, this feature is cool to use on melodies as well. Play in a melody and demix by note pitch as above. Now, assign each of the newly created tracks to a different synth. You can use subtlely different sounds for a more complex/'alive' sounding riff, or you can go nuts and use drastically different sounds for a sort of Trentemøller effect.
I have found this technique to be invaluable time and time again. Sometimes I'll program all the drums in, and then I'll think of a cool idea or a reverb I want to put on one of the drums. It's a very handy feature.
Demix by Channel was also very effective when I first got Logic 4.8. I wanted to offload the sequences from my Alesis MMT-8, and you can feed all the tracks at once and then have Logic split it up onto separate MIDI tracks for you.
Yeah the Demix by Channel is great for bringing songs from old workstations or sequencers into Logic. I did this fairly recently with a bunch of old Ensoniq EPS-16+ sequences.
Respect for providing the tips, they’ve been quite helpfull to me!
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