Thursday, November 3, 2011

Oberheim Matrix-6 on eBay

Info at the listing...

1 comment:

  1. We were going to purchase one of these at the beginning of the year for $350. The guy said he forgot the power cable, me being the tech geek I am pulled one out of the back of the truck. We then plugged it in and NO POWER!! REALLY? You must think people are stupid, you always AT LEAST make sure the damn thing powers on. He called us a week later and said he fixed it, we asked him to produce the receipt for the repairs, AND which shop repaired it and he could not produce EITHER. Sorry bro, if you would have checked this shit before trying to sell it you would have walked away with $350 cash. Now we are just looking at the Matrix1000 instead. I want an ARP Quadra now!!!!
