Tuesday, May 4, 2010

First Song from How to Destroy Angels Debuts

I know I am the last person in the world to report this, but of course the news broke as soon as my band's tour van pulled away from the curb this morning, so I am just able to post about it now.

"A Drowning" is apparently the first single from How to Destroy Angels, the new project featuring Nine Inch Nails' Trent Reznor, his wife Mariqueen, and Alan Moulder. Sounds very promising, although it never quite builds to the climax I was hoping for. Mrs. Reznor has quite a nice voice and I have to say I actually like this more than most of the recent NIN output. Sounds promising, what do you think?


  1. Sounds promising, reminds me of 'Stripped'.

  2. music or not, i'd go see a tour just to stare at her...

  3. it's just a lost massive attack song from 10 years ago.

  4. I'm not very keen on her vocals. Just sounds like [insert whispy female vocals here].

    The music is pretty good - catchy. However, it's basically a Nine Inch Nails song with a different vocalist. I was hoping to hear Trent try something different...

  5. If you like Delierium/Enigma/Collide, then this will probably appeal. There are shades of "The Deep Below" (From NIN's "The Fragile") in the orchestration. Personally, I'd like to hear the rest of the CD.

  6. Gosh, I heard the name but was never able to heed that Reznor is involved. Now it makes more sense - with all the buzz about "How to D A", I should have known better that this is something serious...

  7. I agree with Michael. The entire song feels like a big build up. But it never gets to the point and you're left waiting for something to happen. Which only, imho, makes the song annoying to listen to.

  8. The mixing on the vocals is a bit of a fail. Her voice just vanishes into the instrumentation... seems like the snare-noise wave is battling with her.

  9. It's almost like he recorded and mixed it with him singing, and then just did a straight track replacement without changing anything else, heh.
