Friday, January 1, 2010

A New Year's Wish

Happy New Year's! No Free Sample Friday today, but it's a pretty safe bet that more than a few of you are sufficiently hungover to not want to sit in between a pair of speakers anyway.

Instead, I thought I'd share my wish for 2010. It's not a new wish by any means, but it's one that still needs to happen. My wish for 2010 is no more Jordan Rudess product endorsements. I don't begrudge him his success or for taking advantage of these types of opportunities. He's been around a long time now, and even though I'd rather drink a glass of AIDS than listen to his music, it's undeniable that the guy knows his way around a keyboard. But enough is enough. Is there anything this guy hasn't endorsed by now? Does an endorsement actually mean anything when it is just one among dozens?

I propose we carry out reader Bob's suggestion from earlier this year for a fight to the death between Rudess and the previous over-endorser and poster child for frosted hair, BT. Whoever loses, we all win.


  1. I'm really hoping for more songs with gratuitous use of Auto-Tune.

  2. Also, it'd be nice if Lady Gaga finally got some exposure. haha

  3. Endorsements mean nothing. They are marketing fairy tales told to gullible children.

    Jordan and B.T both have gotten to the point that their endorsement is meaningless.

    I almost want to sell anything thing I use that they are flogging just because they are flogging it.

    Except Alchemy. Loves me some Alchemy.

  4. My new years wish- that all guitar manfacturers stop creating pre abused "relic" guitars (and charging a premium for them).

    I can't help but worry that at this years NAMM were going to see Roland introduce a $15,000 Jupiter 8 reissue, complete with scuffed paint, dents, missing slider caps, random broken and reglued "white" keys, and a dried beer spill (of genuine Stroth's beer from 1982).
