Sunday, December 6, 2009

Alisa 1377 on Ebay

Info at the link...


  1. Almost makes me want to move to Russia! LOL (not really though)

    My friend in Russia tells me the soviet analogs are a dime a dozen out there, and they are all making very nice profits from selling these on ebay to international buyers. He actually just recently told me he found 7 polivoks (yes seven) for the equivalent of about $250 US dollars total for all. Funny thing is, that is not uncommon out there, as he tells me, if you know the right places to look. Damn... I'm in the wrong racket. :-)

  2. No , it is really myth. Polviks in Moscow cost around 600-800 USD and most of all are in bad condition. After shipping and customs, if they sells for around 1000USD, they get normal 10-15% profit.
