Tuesday, July 31, 2012

New Soundset from Waveformless Soundware

I'm happy to announce that I've released my fourth soundset under the Waveformless Soundware moniker, "DIVA Prima" for u-he's excellent DIVA synth.  As usual, 128 sounds for just $9.99.  I hope to get audio demos online tomorrow evening, but in the meantime, you can download 10 free sounds and browse the user guide's full patch listing.


PressPausePlay from House of Radon on Vimeo.

Thanks to my friend Casey for making me aware of this excellent documentary about music, technology and the ways in which they influence one another.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Your Monday Morning Dose of Studio Porn

I don't know that it's anything new, but I only just ran across the FUCK YEAH STUDIO PORN tumblr this afternoon.  Some seriously drool-worthy set-ups here.  And a few that would drive me absolutely nuts.  Funny how subjective what makes a good working space is.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Free Sample Friday: Synths Evolved Vol. 03 - Roland HS-10

Today's free sample selection is the second in Waveformless contributor Adam's "Synths Evolved", which consist of synths processed through the internal effects and distortion of the Dave Smith Evolver.  Today's synth victim is theRoland HS-10, which was a consumer version of their famous Alpha Juno synths.  

And don't forget to grab volume 01.

A First Listen to the Macbeth Micromac

Ken Macbeth's latest creation is to be a compact desktop synth module called the Micromac.  Sounds pretty nice, although the $2,300 pricetag may be a deal-breaker for many.

OS X Mountain Lion Released

Apple has released the latest version of its OS X operating system, this one dubbed "Mountain Lion".  Most of the features seem to be aimed at bringing some of the features of the mobile iOS to the Mac desktop, and there doesn't seem to be much of anything that will be of specific interest to musicians, so unless you absolutely need the latest and greatest, I wouldn't risk the update and any bugs or problems it might have with stuff you work with regularly.  If you want to take the leap, though, it'll only set you back $19.99.

KiloHearts Releases Faturator

KiloHearts have released their second product, a distortion/saturation plug-in called Faturator.  Here's what they have to say:

"Grit, oomph, fatness, raw, color, or just that certain something. Sometimes your sounds need a shovel of dirt. Faturator is standing ready to tear whatever you throw at it apart violently, and then gently (but firmly) put it back together fatter and rawer than ever. 

Faturator can do everything from adding subtle and warm gritty character to your sounds to slam them into a wall of heavy saturation and digital fuzz. Contrary to many distortion effects, Faturator will preserve the dynamics of your sound and work its wonders on it regardless of input gain. 

For the heck of it, it can also color the input to emphasize a specific tone of the sound, or throw some stereo width into the mix. Everything to give you a fast and easy way of making any input come alive. "

Faturator is available for Windows (VST) and Mac (VST & AU) in and sells for only $19.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Premature Reverberation

The psychedelic era of music in the 60's led to many experimental production techniques, but perhaps none was use quite so much as playing taped performances in reverse, or mixing the forward signal with a backwards copy of itself.  As time marched on, these types of sounds evolved into high-glass reverse reverb effects often used in the club music of the 80's for dramatic special effects.  It's still quite a cool effect these days, used correctly.  So today, I'll show you how to start experimenting with this technique in your own music.

1.  Select a track you want to try the effect on... guitar leads and vocals are particularly well-suited for these types of effects.

2.  Make a copy of the audio you want the effect on and move it to a new track.  Use your DAW's audio editing features to reverse the audio of the second track.

3. Apply a medium-long reverb to the reversed track and bounce it, making sure to set the end point of your bounce so it doesn't cut off the reverb tail.

4. Import your bounce and replace your reversed audio track with it.  Use your DAW's audio editing features to reverse the track yet again.

5.  Now you can tweak the levels between the dry track and the reverse reverb track to set the desired wetness.  Don't be afraid to experiment with adding additional processing to each of these tracks, either.  You might create the next trendy variation of this effect.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Bronto Scorpio Releases Bank of Sounds for u-he DIVA

Dennis Harms, aka Bronto Scorpio, has announced his first commercial sound bank for u-he's excellent DIVA synth.  The FutureRetro pack goes €10 and consists of 64 new presets.  You can check out an audio demo and download 10 free patches from his website.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Introducing the Spacehardware Cygnx Wavetable Synth


All aluminium contruction.

Front panel LED matrix Oscilloscope showing the pre-filter sound.

Two digital oscillators:
12 sweepable wavetables with smooth and stepped modes and sweep direction.
24 single cycle waveforms which can be mixed using Add, Xor, Split, Phase Distortion or FM.
And an additional PWM mode.

Waveshaping options - Layer, Sync, Fold, Shape, Phase Distortion 1, Phase Distortion 2, Phase Distortion 3

Two analogue filters - 
Filter 1: 12dB/Oct LPF/BPF with overdrive
Filter 2: 24dB/Oct LPF/Notch with variable notch mode

Three LFOs and two analogue ADSRs

120 step programmable sequencer, records note value and velocity.

Midi In and Thru. "

Pricing and availability TBA.  More info here..

[via sequencer.de]

Free Sample Friday: Synths Evolved Vol. 2: Arp Axxe

Today's free sample selection is the second in Waveformless contributor Adam's "Synths Evolved", which consist of synths processed through the internal effects and distortion of the Dave Smith Evolver.  Today's synth victim is the venerable Arp Axxe.


And don't forget to grab last week's volume.

Assemblage 23 Live in Barcelona

Tonight my band Assemblage 23 will be playing at Sala Apolo in Barcelona, the same venue we opened for OMD at last year.  Come on down and say hello!

Voltage from Bam Studio on Vimeo.

"Just like modular synthesizers, people connect with each other in order to achieve diverse objectives. In Voltage, robots, half-human and half-synthesizer, powered by a huge amount of energy, connect to each other in an electric and chaotic trance."

Monday, July 16, 2012

R.I.P. Jon Lord

Legendary Deep Purple keyboardist Jon Lord has passed away.  Gonna go listen to "Smoke on the Water".

Tonight: Assemblage 23 in Leipzig

My band, Assemblage 23 will be playing in Leipzig tomorrow with Alan Wilder's favorite band Architect.  Come on out and say hello!